Phase 1 : Middle Development - September 2023

Phase 1 Middle  Development - September

*Frame of Mind*

I was working on a sprint game in tandem ( inquiring minds see RealmRiser) so RecRed took a bit of a backseat this month in terms of feature development as I cranked out that game. Nevertheless…

*Things That Worked* 

  • Refactoring components like the riddle and lost media systems. 
  • Executed the second alternate ending, titled Reincarnation, as the win condition for riddle solving.  This required the use of Cinemachine, Timeline, and tons of particle effects. I won't be expounding on the lore too much here, as I’d rather leave some mystery for the player. 
  • Incorporating the “Control” system for the “Cloud Consciousness” required a check component for player input and a flag to the GameManager for sendoff to the “Control” alternate ending, 
  • Start Menu and UI game navigation came together seamlessly as I wrapped up the work on RecRed for this month. 

*Things That Didn't Work (Yet!)* 

  • There was an error with the cloud pooling to where only the first cloud would be instantiated at a random point, the returned clouds to the pool after despawn once respawned instantiated at static points in the transform list. This is fixed by a brilliant mentor in the next log!
  • The “LostMedia” scriptable object queue also began to malfunction as varying sizes of the prefab images were instantiated and the queue was not “pushing” the “pops” correctly. This issue was also fixed by the aforementioned brilliant mentor!

Thanks for listening! 

