Realm Riser: Revisited - Director's Cut ( Design Schema ,UML and All about Assets)

Greetings, Tidings, Salutations! 

Welcome to the Director’s Cut Video for Realm Riser Revisited! 

The “Director’s Cut”  is a video walkthrough of the game direction meant to complement  my development-focused Dev Logs. They should be experienced in tandem to understand the depths of my game-making experience. This video provides an intimate insight into my design schematics, technical construction, and development documentation!

The formerly titled “Looking Glass” posts will be renamed as such with all corresponding content reposted under the new format.


All about Assets

Below you will find the assets used for free to download from the Unity Asset Store. Thank you to these lovely creators, please check out their work!


Additionally, some art in my game is made with the help of AI( the cover art, two fight enter background panels found in between the battle scenes,  the Spear of Deliverance and Demorious weapon, and finally the “The End” panel ).  Without going too much into it, I believe that Artists and their art will always hold more intrinsic value than any computer program can achieve, and any art used here that is made with AI would look and perform much better if a human artist were spearheading the creation. I share the belief that machine learning software needs to be developed and used with ethical integrity. Not to discredit other voices or arguments though I find being able to access  AI to help me with visual conceptualizations when trying to relay distinct story-related elements when I do not have access to proper assets or an artist does help quite a lot.  I will be making an effort to collaborate with artists , produce my own artwork  as well as use emerging technologies in future games!

Here are all the AI-created art pieces! 

Thank you for taking a peek behind the stage curtain!